NeuroSpicy: Love, Life, & Comedy On the Spectrum

This Stand-Up Comedy Special hilariously decodes how those on the Spectrum can better understand and navigate the Normie world.

(Normies are invited too)

Why a Stand-Up Comedy Special about the Spectrum, specifically Aspergers?

Well, my life would have been completely different if someone, anyone, had spent 60 minutes with me, 30 years ago, to explain how my brain was different and give me tools to navigate the Normie world.

This is the 60 minutes I wish I had.

I made this for you, delivered with humor, to reach others like me, young and old. I can't go back and help my younger self, but I can help others on the Spectrum by giving words to our experience and skills to adapt to a world not designed for us.

This special is also for the Normies who want better understanding and tools to support us.